Whistleblower Policy
For the Port of Karlshamn, it is of the utmost importance to prevent activities that could risk the port's quality and security, as well as the integrity and safety of stakeholders. It is also about acting in a value-based, sustainable, and responsible manner. We have zero tolerance for corruption, discrimination, harassment, and all forms of criminal activity. The purpose of having a whistleblowing function is to enable anyone with a work-related relationship with the Port of Karlshamn to report any misconduct within the company’s operations. The law protects whistleblowers from retaliation by employers, and information about the whistleblower is protected by confidentiality.
Employees have the opportunity to sound the alarm when it comes to serious misconduct in the employer's operations. The employee's motive for sounding the alarm is irrelevant. Serious misconduct refers to, for example, criminal conduct with imprisonment on the penalty scale or comparable misconduct. It is sufficient for the employee to raise concrete suspicions of such serious misconduct through the alarm.
Even procedures that are not punishable can be considered serious misconduct. For example, it may be a matter of discrimination, bullying, harassment, violations of fundamental freedoms and rights, corruption, failure to comply with applicable regulations and damage or risk of damage to the environment.
The alarm must refer to irregularities in the operations of the Port of Karlshamn. This does not only mean production, assignments and other business relationships, but also, for example, how rules and regulations are followed, issues relating to the relationship between employer and employee and other relationships where there is a connection to the business, for example if crimes are committed on the employer's premises.
Employees, job applicants, volunteers and those applying for such work, interns and those applying for internships, hired workers, self-employed individuals seeking or performing assignments, individuals serving in a company’s administrative, management, or supervisory bodies, elected representatives, as well as shareholders who are active within the Port of Karlshamn.
The protection against obstructive actions and retaliation extends not only to the reporting individual but also to anyone at the organization who assists the reporting person in the whistleblowing process, such as an elected representative or safety officer. It also covers anyone connected to the reporting person, such as a family member or colleague, as well as any legal entity the reporting person owns, works for, or is otherwise affiliated with.
The Port of Karlshamn's whistleblower function offers two different ways to report information. You can report either in writing or by telephone.
If you choose to remain anonymous, Port of Karlshamns whistleblower function has no legal obligation to investigate or follow up on your report. If you choose to submit your report anonymously, the Port of Karlshamn will handle the information in a different way than through the function mentioned above.
Your report should contain as much detailed information as possible so that suspicions of misconduct can be investigated, for example:
What relationship do you have to the Port of Karlshamn?
What kind of mismatch have you noticed?
Which part or parts of the organization are affected?
Who might be involved?
During what period has this been going on? Single event or repeated occasions?
Are there others who know about the case and who can potentially corroborate the information?
Have you taken other measures or informed someone in the organization?
Your name and contact details for you.
By telephone via the company's switchboard: 0454-30 50 00, state the word "Whistleblower" to be handled by a manager according to current routine. The employer has a documentation obligation, so the conversation will be recorded.
In writing
Via email to HR: hr@karlshamnshamn.se
By regular mail to HR:
Use double envelopes. So put your letter in an envelope, seal it and mark it with the "Whistleblower function". Put it in another envelope and address to:
HR, Karlshamns Hamn AB Box 8 374 21 Karlshamn
HR then forwards the information to the CEO.
If you report a misconduct and have provided contact details, you will receive a confirmation within seven days that we have received your report, provided that it does not risk revealing your identity. Feedback on the matter is given within three months.
The report is handled by the Port of Karlshamn's whistleblower function, which ensures that each case is followed up impartially. Only authorized administrators have access to the information.
Information received is saved in our case management system. If a report is judged to fall outside the whistleblower legislation, it is handled as a normal incoming document. Everything is subject to a thorough confidentiality review before any disclosure.
Do you need to get in touch with us?
Maybe you can't find what you're looking for or maybe you need to get in touch with us at the port of Karlshamn for various reasons.
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Karlshamn Harbour
The Port of Karlshamn has the capacity to handle all types of goods and ship sizes.