Environmental policy

Environmental policy for the Port of Karlshamn

Karlshamns Hamn AB shall, as far as it is environmentally justified, technically possible and economically reasonable, be an environmentally-minded link in the logistics chain that continuously works to reduce our environmental impact.

A business with environmental and safety awareness

In terms of the physical environment and the port's impact on its surroundings, the Port of Karlshamn benefits from its location, situated mainly outside the central parts of the city. Both road and rail access lead directly to the port without passing through densely built-up areas.

The Port of Karlshamn also has a system for the disposal of sludge, i.e., oil residues and waste from engine rooms that must not be discharged into the sea.

The Port of Karlshamn works for sustainable development

As far as possible, choose the goods and services that have a smaller impact on the environment through an active dialogue with our suppliers.

Utilize our resources effectively, prevent pollution to the environment in order to strive for long-term sustainable development.

Through dialogue, information and training, raise the awareness of all employees regarding environmental issues with an emphasis on their own work area and encourage them to actively consider the environment in their daily work and come up with suggestions for improvements.

View environmental improvements as long-term investments.

Prevent environmental accidents and maintain strong preparedness to minimize the impact in the event of an accident.

Port of Karlshamn

The Port of Karlshamn has the capacity to handle all types of cargo and several vessel sizes.

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